Сегодня хочу описать решение по генерации диаграммы Вороного с помощью java.
Диаграмма Вороного конечного множества точек S на плоскости представляет такое разбиение плоскости, при котором каждая область этого разбиения образует множество точек, более близких к одному из элементов множества S, чем к любому другому элементу множества.

У диаграммы очень много областей применения, особенно при решении spatial-задач.
/*Например, я с помощью диаграммы Вороного решал задачу кластеризации на карте Санкт-Петербурга */
К сожалению, в Oracle Spatial нет эффективного механизма (я ошибаюсь?) получения данной диаграммы. Да и к тому же Spatial - платная опция...
Поэтому, возможно, приведенное далее решение будет вам интересно!
В решение используется алгоритм от Steven Fortune - "метод заметающей прямой".

Само решение большей частью взято отсюда - http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2346148/fastest-way-to-get-the-set-of-convex-polygons-formed-by-voronoi-line-segments
И доработано таким образом, что при входных данных:
1) набор гео-точек (например, дома города);
2) ограничивающий точки полигон (например, административная граница города)
- возвращается набор полигонов, представляющих собой ячейки диаграммы Вороного.
Причем ячейки Вороного "обрезаны" ограничивающим полигоном.
В качестве примера рассмотрим формирования ячеек Вороного для Василеостровского района Санкт-Петербурга.
1) Скачаем свежие shape-файлы по Санкт-Петербургу
2) Скачиваем - если вы еще не обзавелись - Oracle Mapbuilder
3) Запускаем Mapbuilder
(указываем явно кодировку, чтобы не "потерять" кириллические символы)
java -Dfile.encoding=UTF8 -XX:MaxPermSize=512m -Xmx1024m -jar mapbuilder.jar
4) Создаем новую схему в БД для spatial-тестов
5) Импортируем 2 shape-файла в БД (аналогично этому) - boundary-polygon.shp и poi-point.shp в таблицы D_ZONE_POLY_8307 и D_POI_POINT_8307 соответственно.
6) Меняем у загруженных гео-данных в сферическую систему координат (возможно, вы в дальнейшем будете выводить эти данные в Mapviewer/OBIEE11g)
create table D_ZONE_POLY_3785 as select * from D_ZONE_POLY_8307; update D_ZONE_POLY_3785 set geometry = sdo_cs.transform(geometry,'USE_SPHERICAL', 3785); commit; delete from user_sdo_geom_metadata where table_name = 'D_ZONE_POLY_3785'; insert into user_sdo_geom_metadata values('D_ZONE_POLY_3785', 'GEOMETRY', sdo_dim_array(sdo_dim_element('X', -20037508.3427, 20037508.3427, 0.05), sdo_dim_element('Y', -20037508.3427, 20037508.3427, 0.05)), 3785); create index D_ZONE_POLY_3785_sidx on D_ZONE_POLY_3785(GEOMETRY) indextype is mdsys.spatial_index;
create table D_POI_POINT_3785 as select * from D_POI_POINT_8307; update D_POI_POINT_3785 set geometry = sdo_cs.transform(geometry,'USE_SPHERICAL', 3785); commit; delete from user_sdo_geom_metadata where table_name = 'D_POI_POINT_3785'; insert into user_sdo_geom_metadata values('D_POI_POINT_3785', 'GEOMETRY', sdo_dim_array(sdo_dim_element('X', -20037508.3427, 20037508.3427, 0.05), sdo_dim_element('Y', -20037508.3427, 20037508.3427, 0.05)), 3785); create index D_POI_POINT_3785_sidx on D_POI_POINT_3785(GEOMETRY) indextype is mdsys.spatial_index;
7) Вычленяем из загруженных данных часть для проведения теста.
Тестовая выборка будет содержать полигон административной границы Василеостровского района Санкт-Петербурга и его дома.
create table D_ZONE_POLY_TEST as select * from D_ZONE_POLY_3785 t where name = 'Василеостровский район'; delete from user_sdo_geom_metadata where table_name = 'D_ZONE_POLY_TEST'; insert into user_sdo_geom_metadata values('D_ZONE_POLY_TEST', 'GEOMETRY', sdo_dim_array(sdo_dim_element('X', -20037508.3427, 20037508.3427, 0.05), sdo_dim_element('Y', -20037508.3427, 20037508.3427, 0.05)), 3785); create index D_ZONE_POLY_TEST_sidx on D_ZONE_POLY_TEST(GEOMETRY) indextype is mdsys.spatial_index;
В таблицу D_POI_POINT_TEST сохраняем лишь дома, принадлежащие выбранному району города.
create table D_POI_POINT_TEST as select p.* from D_POI_POINT_3785 p, D_ZONE_POLY_TEST z where SDO_CONTAINS(z.geometry, p.geometry) = 'TRUE'; delete from user_sdo_geom_metadata where table_name = 'D_POI_POINT_TEST'; insert into user_sdo_geom_metadata values('D_POI_POINT_TEST', 'GEOMETRY', sdo_dim_array(sdo_dim_element('X', -20037508.3427, 20037508.3427, 0.05), sdo_dim_element('Y', -20037508.3427, 20037508.3427, 0.05)), 3785); create index D_POI_POINT_TEST_sidx on D_POI_POINT_TEST(GEOMETRY) indextype is mdsys.spatial_index;
8) Создадим таблицу для хранения результатов теста
create table D_VORONOI_POLY(GEOMETRY MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY, OSM_ID NUMBER, NEIGHBORS VARCHAR2(4000)); delete from user_sdo_geom_metadata where table_name = 'D_VORONOI_POLY'; insert into user_sdo_geom_metadata values('D_VORONOI_POLY', 'GEOMETRY', sdo_dim_array(sdo_dim_element('X', -20037508.3427, 20037508.3427, 0.05), sdo_dim_element('Y', -20037508.3427, 20037508.3427, 0.05)), 3785); create index D_VORONOI_POLY_sidx on D_VORONOI_POLY(GEOMETRY) indextype is mdsys.spatial_index;
9) Скачаем архив с java-проектом генерации диаграммы Вороного.
В главном файле проекта - src\ru\servplus\geom\Voronoi.java - следует изменить настройки JDBC-доступа к тестовой схеме БД.
package ru.servplus.geom; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.ListIterator; import java.util.PriorityQueue; import java.util.TreeSet; import oracle.jdbc.*; import oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometry; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Coordinate; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.GeometryFactory; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.LineString; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.LinearRing; public class Voronoi { boolean debug = false; Geometry zonePoly; GeometryFactory geometryFactory; double xmin; double ymin; double xmax; double ymax; double width; double height; Point topleft; Point topright; Point bottomleft; Point bottomright; Connection conn = null; // The set of points that control the centers of the cells private LinkedList<Point> pts; // A list of line segments that defines where the cells are divided private LinkedList<Edge> output; // Special list of points that are redundant and need to be removed in post processing private LinkedList<Point> mechs; // The sites that have not yet been processed, in acending order of X coordinate private PriorityQueue<Point> sites; // Possible upcoming cirlce events in acending order of X coordinate private PriorityQueue<CircleEvent> events; // The root of the binary search tree of the parabolic wave front private Arc root; public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("start!"); try { Voronoi vor = new Voronoi(); vor.execute(); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } System.out.println("end!"); } public Voronoi() throws Exception{ //Init the lists pts = new LinkedList<Point>(); output = new LinkedList<Edge>(); mechs = new LinkedList<Point>(); sites = new PriorityQueue<Point>(100); events = new PriorityQueue<CircleEvent>(100); JGeometry geom = null; PreparedStatement pstmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; oracle.sql.STRUCT st = null; Point p; int key; String jdbcUrl = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:ORCL"; String jdbcUsr = "GEO"; String jdbcPwd = "GEO"; Class.forName ("oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver").newInstance(); this.conn = DriverManager.getConnection(jdbcUrl, jdbcUsr, jdbcPwd); if(conn == null) { System.out.print("cannot get connection!"); } //calculate zone MBR pstmt = conn.prepareStatement( "select max(decode(t.id, 1, t.x, null)) x_min, "+ " max(decode(t.id, 2, t.x, null)) x_max, "+ " max(decode(t.id, 1, t.y, null)) y_min, "+ " max(decode(t.id, 2, t.y, null)) y_max "+ " from TABLE (select sdo_util.getvertices(SDO_GEOM.SDO_MBR(geometry)) from D_ZONE_POLY_TEST) t"); rs = pstmt.executeQuery(); while (rs.next()){ xmin = rs.getDouble("X_MIN") - 1000; ymin = rs.getDouble("Y_MIN") - 1000; xmax = rs.getDouble("X_MAX") + 1000; ymax = rs.getDouble("Y_MAX") + 1000; } height = ymax - ymin; width = xmax - xmin; pstmt.close(); topleft = new Point(xmin,ymin); topright = new Point(xmax,ymin); bottomleft = new Point(xmin,ymax); bottomright = new Point(xmax,ymax); //get zone Points pstmt = conn.prepareStatement( "select OSM_ID, GEOMETRY " + "from D_POI_POINT_TEST " + "where 1=1 "); rs = pstmt.executeQuery(); while (rs.next()) { st = (oracle.sql.STRUCT) rs.getObject("GEOMETRY"); key = rs.getInt("OSM_ID"); geom = JGeometry.load(st); double[] coords = geom.getPoint(); p = new Point(coords[0],coords[1]); p.key = key; pts.add(p); } pstmt.close(); ListIterator<Point> points = pts.listIterator(0); //get zone polygon geometryFactory = new GeometryFactory(); pstmt = conn.prepareStatement("select GEOMETRY from D_ZONE_POLY_TEST "); rs = pstmt.executeQuery(); zonePoly = null; LinearRing zoneLr; while (rs.next()) { st = (oracle.sql.STRUCT) rs.getObject("GEOMETRY"); geom = JGeometry.load(st); Coordinate[] coords = new Coordinate[geom.getNumPoints()]; for (int i=0; i<geom.getNumPoints(); i++){ coords[i] = new Coordinate(geom.getOrdinatesArray()[i*2],geom.getOrdinatesArray()[i*2 + 1]); } zoneLr = geometryFactory.createLinearRing(coords); zonePoly = geometryFactory.createPolygon(zoneLr, null); } pstmt.close(); } public void execute() throws Exception{ JGeometry geom = null; PreparedStatement pstmt = null; //ResultSet rs = null; oracle.sql.STRUCT st = null; Point p; if(conn == null) { System.out.print("cannot get connection!"); } // run fortune's algorithm to get new line segments runFortune(pts); APoint v,ov,frst; Point n; StringBuffer neighborsConcat; String neighborsConcatStr = null; ListIterator<Point> siteit = pts.listIterator(0); pstmt = conn.prepareStatement("DELETE FROM D_VORONOI_POLY"); pstmt.execute(); pstmt = conn.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO D_VORONOI_POLY(GEOMETRY, OSM_ID, NEIGHBORS) VALUES(?,?,?)"); ((OraclePreparedStatement)pstmt).setExecuteBatch (pts.size()); while (siteit.hasNext()) { p = siteit.next(); if (p.sverts != null){ Iterator<APoint> vert = p.sverts.iterator(); if (vert.hasNext()){ v = vert.next(); double[] ring = new double[(p.sverts.size() + 1) * 2]; int f = 0; frst = v; ring[f++] = frst.x; ring[f++] = frst.y; while (vert.hasNext()) { ov = v; v = vert.next(); ring[f++] = v.x; ring[f++] = v.y; } ring[f++] = frst.x; ring[f++] = frst.y; Coordinate[] coords = new Coordinate[ring.length/2]; for (int i=0; i<ring.length/2; i++){ coords[i] = new Coordinate(ring[i*2],ring[i*2 + 1]); } LinearRing cellLr = geometryFactory.createLinearRing(coords); Geometry cellPoly = geometryFactory.createPolygon(cellLr, null); Geometry cellIntersect = zonePoly.intersection(cellPoly); if (cellIntersect != null) { Object[] intersectRings = new Object[cellIntersect.getNumGeometries()]; for(int zz=0; zz<cellIntersect.getNumGeometries(); zz++) { Coordinate[] insersectCoord = cellIntersect.getGeometryN(zz).getCoordinates(); double[] intersectRing = new double[insersectCoord.length * 2]; for (int i=0; i< insersectCoord.length;i++){ intersectRing[i*2] = insersectCoord[i].x; intersectRing[i*2+1] = insersectCoord[i].y; } intersectRings[zz] = intersectRing; } try { geom = JGeometry.createLinearPolygon(intersectRings, 2, 3785); if ( intersectRings.length > 1 && geom.getType() == 3 ) { geom.setType( JGeometry.GTYPE_MULTIPOLYGON ); //System.out.println("GTYPE_MULTIPOLYGON - "+p.key); } st = JGeometry.store(geom, conn); pstmt.setObject(1, st); pstmt.setObject(2, p.key); } catch (RuntimeException e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.out.println(p.key); } neighborsConcat = new StringBuffer(); Iterator<Point> neighbors = p.neighbors.iterator(); while (neighbors.hasNext()){ n = neighbors.next(); neighborsConcat.append(n.key+","); } if (neighborsConcat.length() > 0) neighborsConcatStr = neighborsConcat.substring(0, neighborsConcat.length()-1); pstmt.setObject(3, neighborsConcatStr); pstmt.executeUpdate(); } } } } ((OraclePreparedStatement)pstmt).sendBatch(); // JDBC sends the queued request conn.commit(); pstmt.close(); } void runFortune(LinkedList<Point> pts) { sites.clear(); events.clear(); output.clear(); mechs.clear(); root = null; ListIterator<Point> i = pts.listIterator(0); Point meh; while (i.hasNext()) { meh = i.next(); sites.offer(meh); if (meh.sverts == null) meh.sverts = new TreeSet<APoint>(); meh.sverts.clear(); if (meh.neighbors == null) meh.neighbors = new TreeSet<Point>(); meh.neighbors.clear(); } // Process the queues; select the top element with smaller x coordinate. while (sites.size() > 0) { if ((events.size() > 0) && ((events.peek().xpos) <= (sites.peek().x))) { processCircleEvent(events.poll()); } else { //process a site event by adding a curve to the parabolic front frontInsert(sites.poll()); } } // After all points are processed, do the remaining circle events. while (events.size() > 0) { processCircleEvent(events.poll()); } // Clean up dangling edges. finishEdges(); //make polygons from edges polyFinish(); } private void processCircleEvent(CircleEvent event) { if (event.valid) { Arc parc = event.a; //start a new edge Edge edgy = new Edge(event.p, parc.prev.focus, parc.next.focus); // Remove the associated arc from the front; if (parc.prev != null) { parc.prev.next = parc.next; parc.prev.edge1 = edgy; } if (parc.next != null) { parc.next.prev = parc.prev; parc.next.edge0 = edgy; } // Finish the edges before and after this arc. if (parc.edge0 != null) { parc.edge0.finish(event.p); } if (parc.edge1 != null) { parc.edge1.finish(event.p); } // Recheck circle events on either side of p: if (parc.prev != null) checkCircleEvent(parc.prev, event.xpos); if (parc.next != null) checkCircleEvent(parc.next, event.xpos); } } void frontInsert(Point focus) { if (root == null) { root = new Arc(focus); return; } Arc parc = root; while (parc != null) { CircleResultPack rez = intersect(focus, parc); if (rez.valid) { // New parabola intersects parc. If necessary, duplicate parc. if (parc.next != null) { CircleResultPack rezz = intersect(focus, parc.next); if (!rezz.valid){ Arc bla = new Arc(parc.focus); bla.prev = parc; bla.next = parc.next; parc.next.prev = bla; parc.next = bla; } } else { parc.next = new Arc(parc.focus); parc.next.prev = parc; } parc.next.edge1 = parc.edge1; // Add new arc between parc and parc.next. Arc bla = new Arc(focus); bla.prev = parc; bla.next = parc.next; parc.next.prev = bla; parc.next = bla; parc = parc.next; // Now parc points to the new arc. // Add new half-edges connected to parc's endpoints. parc.edge0 = new Edge(rez.center, parc.prev.focus, parc.focus); parc.prev.edge1 = parc.edge0; parc.edge1 = new Edge(rez.center, parc.focus, parc.next.focus); parc.next.edge0 = parc.edge1; //save information for removing colinear edges rez.center.mech = true; rez.center.mech0 = parc.edge0; rez.center.mech1 = parc.edge1; mechs.add(rez.center); // Check for new circle events around the new arc: checkCircleEvent(parc, focus.x); checkCircleEvent(parc.prev, focus.x); checkCircleEvent(parc.next, focus.x); return; } //proceed to next arc parc = parc.next; } // Special case: If p never intersects an arc, append it to the list. parc = root; while (parc.next != null) parc = parc.next; // Find the last node. parc.next = new Arc(focus); parc.next.prev = parc; Point start = new Point(0, (parc.next.focus.y + parc.focus.y) / 2); parc.next.edge0 = new Edge(start, parc.focus, parc.next.focus); parc.edge1 = parc.next.edge0; //focus.verts.addFirst(start); } void checkCircleEvent(Arc parc, double xpos) { // Invalidate any old event. if ((parc.event != null) && (parc.event.xpos != xpos)) parc.event.valid = false; parc.event = null; if ((parc.prev == null) || (parc.next == null)) return; CircleResultPack result = circle(parc.prev.focus, parc.focus, parc.next.focus); if (result.valid && result.rightmostX > xpos) { // Create new event. parc.event = new CircleEvent(result.rightmostX, result.center, parc); events.offer(parc.event); } } // Find the rightmost point on the circle through a,b,c. CircleResultPack circle(Point a, Point b, Point c) { CircleResultPack result = new CircleResultPack(); // Check that bc is a "right turn" from ab. if ((b.x - a.x) * (c.y - a.y) - (c.x - a.x) * (b.y - a.y) > 0) { result.valid = false; return result; } // Algorithm from O'Rourke 2ed p. 189. double A = b.x - a.x; double B = b.y - a.y; double C = c.x - a.x; double D = c.y - a.y; double E = A * (a.x + b.x) + B * (a.y + b.y); double F = C * (a.x + c.x) + D * (a.y + c.y); double G = 2 * (A * (c.y - b.y) - B * (c.x - b.x)); if (G == 0) { // Points are co-linear. result.valid = false; return result; } // centerpoint of the circle. Point o = new Point((D * E - B * F) / G, (A * F - C * E) / G); result.center = o; // o.x plus radius equals max x coordinate. result.rightmostX = o.x + Math.sqrt(Math.pow(a.x - o.x, 2.0) + Math.pow(a.y - o.y, 2.0)); result.valid = true; return result; } // Will a new parabola at point p intersect with arc i? CircleResultPack intersect(Point p, Arc i) { CircleResultPack res = new CircleResultPack(); res.valid = false; if (i.focus.x == p.x) return res; double a = 0.0; double b = 0.0; if (i.prev != null) // Get the intersection of i->prev, i. a = intersection(i.prev.focus, i.focus, p.x).y; if (i.next != null) // Get the intersection of i->next, i. b = intersection(i.focus, i.next.focus, p.x).y; if ((i.prev == null || a <= p.y) && (i.next == null || p.y <= b)) { res.center = new Point(xmin, p.y); // Plug it back into the parabola equation to get the x coordinate res.center.x = (i.focus.x * i.focus.x + (i.focus.y - res.center.y) * (i.focus.y - res.center.y) - p.x * p.x) / (2 * i.focus.x - 2 * p.x); res.valid = true; return res; } return res; } // Where do two parabolas intersect? Point intersection(Point p0, Point p1, double l) { Point res = new Point(xmin, ymin); Point p = p0; if (p0.x == p1.x) { res.y = (p0.y + p1.y) / 2; } else if (p1.x == l) { res.y = p1.y; } else if (p0.x == l) { res.y = p0.y; p = p1; } else { // Use the quadratic formula. double z0 = 2 * (p0.x - l); double z1 = 2 * (p1.x - l); double a = 1 / z0 - 1 / z1; double b = -2 * (p0.y / z0 - p1.y / z1); double c = (p0.y * p0.y + p0.x * p0.x - l * l) / z0 - (p1.y * p1.y + p1.x * p1.x - l * l) / z1; res.y = (-b - Math.sqrt((b * b - 4 * a * c))) / (2 * a); } // Plug back into one of the parabola equations. res.x = (p.x * p.x + (p.y - res.y) * (p.y - res.y) - l * l) / (2 * p.x - 2 * l); return res; } void finishEdges() { // Advance the sweep line so no parabolas can cross the bounding box. double l = width * 2 + height; // Extend each remaining segment to the new parabola intersections. Arc i = root; while (i != null) { if (i.edge1 != null) { Point fp = intersection(i.focus, i.next.focus, l * 2); i.edge1.finish(fp); } i = i.next; } } void polyFinish(){ //clean up mechs //These are single lines formed by 3 colinear points //they are a normal result of fortune's algorithm //We only want 2 points Point unpoint; ListIterator<Point> mek = mechs.listIterator(0); while (mek.hasNext()) { unpoint = mek.next(); unpoint.mech0.start = unpoint.mech1.end; unpoint.mech1.done = false; } //create a TreeSet<APoint> for every site //APoints will be ordered by thier angle from the site. Point pk; ListIterator<Point> eeek = pts.listIterator(0); while (eeek.hasNext()) { pk = eeek.next(); pk.sortSet = new TreeSet<Point>(); pk.sverts = new TreeSet<APoint>(); pk.neighbors = new TreeSet<Point>(); } //define the bounding box Point[] xing = new Point[4]; //the corners of the bounding box topleft = new Point(xmin,ymin); topright = new Point(xmax,ymin); bottomleft = new Point(xmin,ymax); bottomright = new Point(xmax,ymax); //four sorted sets of Points that lie along each side of the bounding box TreeSet[] sides = new TreeSet[4]; sides[0] = new TreeSet<Point>();//top sides[1] = new TreeSet<Point>();//right sides[2] = new TreeSet<Point>();//bottom sides[3] = new TreeSet<Point>();//left //add the corners to the lists of sidepoints /* sides[0].add(topleft); sides[0].add(topright); sides[1].add(topright); sides[1].add(bottomright); sides[2].add(bottomleft); sides[2].add(bottomright); sides[3].add(topleft); sides[3].add(bottomleft); */ //the edge in question Edge e; ListIterator<Edge> j; /* * loop over the edges * * trim edges that intersect the bounding box, * and add edges between those points of intersection, * that close all the polygons that were opened by the trimming. * */ j = output.listIterator(0); while (j.hasNext()) { e = j.next(); if (e.done){ //check if the edge intersects with the bounds xing[0] = lineIntersect( topleft, topright, e.start, e.end ); xing[1] = lineIntersect( topright, bottomright, e.start, e.end ); xing[2] = lineIntersect( bottomleft, bottomright, e.start, e.end ); xing[3] = lineIntersect( topleft, bottomleft, e.start, e.end ); for (int ii=0; ii<4; ii++){ //top, right, bottom, left //inside function catchs double precision mistakes if (xing[ii] != null && inside(xing[ii]) ){ // e intersects side ii if (ii==0) xing[ii].y = ymin; else if (ii==1) xing[ii].x = xmax; else if (ii==2) xing[ii].y = ymax; else if (ii==3) xing[ii].x = xmin; sides[ii].add(xing[ii]); xing[ii].assoc = e; //shorten e if (outside(e.start)){ e.start = xing[ii]; } else { e.end = xing[ii]; } } } } } /* * loop over side points * all intersections have been found, turn lists of side points into edges with proper * site associations */ Iterator<Point> jj; Point sp,osp; //sidepoint, old sidepoint for (int ii=0; ii<4; ii++){ // for each side if (sides[ii].size() >= 2){ // if there was anything more than just the corner points jj = sides[ii].iterator(); sp = jj.next(); while (jj.hasNext()){ osp = sp; sp = jj.next(); //must determine which site this edge should border //will be the site that both edges connected to //sp and osp have in common //note this does not handle corner cases Point commonSite = null; if (osp.assoc != null && sp.assoc != null){ if (osp.assoc.siteA == sp.assoc.siteA || osp.assoc.siteA == sp.assoc.siteB) { commonSite = osp.assoc.siteA; } else if (osp.assoc.siteB == sp.assoc.siteA || osp.assoc.siteB == sp.assoc.siteB) { commonSite = osp.assoc.siteB; } } Edge xo = new Edge(osp, commonSite, null); xo.finish(sp); } } } //associate corners with sites Point commonSite = null; Point corner = null; // standing at the corner, looking in, sp will be the sidepoint on your right and osp will be to your left. osp = null; sp = null; for (int ii=0; ii<4; ii++) { if (ii == 0){ corner = topleft; sp = (Point)(sides[3].first()); osp = (Point)(sides[0].first()); } else if (ii == 1){ corner = topright; sp = (Point)(sides[0].last()); osp = (Point)(sides[1].first()); } else if (ii == 2){ corner = bottomright; sp = (Point)(sides[1].last()); osp = (Point)(sides[2].last()); } else if (ii == 3){ corner = bottomleft; sp = (Point)(sides[2].first()); osp = (Point)(sides[3].last()); } if (osp != null && sp != null) { if ( (osp.assoc.siteA == sp.assoc.siteA || osp.assoc.siteA == sp.assoc.siteB) && osp.assoc.siteA != null ) { commonSite = osp.assoc.siteA; } else if ( (osp.assoc.siteB == sp.assoc.siteA || osp.assoc.siteB == sp.assoc.siteB) && osp.assoc.siteB != null ) { commonSite = osp.assoc.siteB; } Edge xo = new Edge( osp, commonSite, null ); xo.finish(corner); Edge po = new Edge( sp, commonSite, null ); po.finish(corner); } } /* * loop over edges again * add the endpoints of the edge to a sorted set of points, * the Points are sorted based on thier angle from the site * associated with both of the sites that are next to this edge * there are only ever two, but for the boundary cases, one of them will be null, * ignore it. * */ j = output.listIterator(0); while (j.hasNext()) { e = j.next(); if (e.done){ //add the edge's endpoints to the sorted set of verts for the sites on each side. if (e.siteA != null){ if (!outside(e.start)) e.siteA.sortSet.add( e.start ); if (!outside(e.end)) e.siteA.sortSet.add( e.end ); } if (e.siteB != null){ if (!outside(e.start)) e.siteB.sortSet.add( e.start ); if (!outside(e.end)) e.siteB.sortSet.add( e.end ); } if ((e.siteA != null) && (e.siteB != null)){ Coordinate[] coords = new Coordinate[2]; coords[0] = new Coordinate(e.start.x, e.start.y); coords[1] = new Coordinate(e.end.x, e.end.y); LineString ls = geometryFactory.createLineString(coords); //boolean isCover = zonePoly.covers(ls); boolean isIntersect = zonePoly.intersects(ls); //geometryFactory if (isIntersect /*isCover*/){ e.siteA.neighbors.add(e.siteB); e.siteB.neighbors.add(e.siteA); } } } } /* * loop over the sites * for each site, take the sorted set of Points (in acending x value) * and add them all to the sorted set of APoints (in acending angle from site) */ Iterator<Point> uu; Point eko; ListIterator<Point> oo = pts.listIterator(0); Point site; while (oo.hasNext()) { site = oo.next(); if (site.sortSet.size() >= 3){ uu = site.sortSet.iterator(); while (uu.hasNext()){ eko = uu.next(); site.sverts.add( new APoint(eko, radFromPoints(site,eko)) ); } } } } boolean outside(Point q){ //is a Point outside the bounding box? return ( (q.x < xmin) || (q.x > xmax) || (q.y < ymin) || (q.y > ymax) ); } boolean inside(Point q){ //is a Point outside the bounding box? return ( (q.x >= xmin - 1) && (q.x <= xmax + 1) && (q.y >= ymin - 1) && (q.y <= ymax + 1) ); } double radFromPoints(Point A, Point B){ double dx = B.x-A.x; double dy = B.y-A.y; double rad = Math.atan(dy/dx); if(dx<0) rad+=Math.PI; return rad; } class Point implements Comparable<Point> { public double x, y; public int key; public TreeSet<Point> sortSet; public TreeSet<APoint> sverts; public TreeSet<Point> neighbors; public Edge assoc; public boolean mech = false; public Edge mech0, mech1; public int fillcolor; public Point(double X, double Y) { x = X; y = Y; } public int compareTo(Point foo) { //return zero only if this is the same object. if (this == foo) { return 0; } else { int rx = ((Double) this.x).compareTo((Double) foo.x); if (rx != 0){ return rx; } else { int ry = ((Double) this.y).compareTo((Double) foo.y); if (ry != 0){ return ry; } else { return 1; } } } } } class APoint implements Comparable<APoint>{ public double x, y; public double angle; public APoint(Point p, double ang){ x = p.x; y = p.y; angle = ang; } public int compareTo(APoint foo) { //return zero only if this is the same object. if (this == foo) { return 0; } else { return ((Double) this.angle).compareTo((Double) foo.angle); } } } class CircleEvent implements Comparable<CircleEvent> { public double xpos; public Point p; public Arc a; public boolean valid; public CircleEvent(double X, Point P, Arc A) { xpos = X; a = A; p = P; valid = true; } public int compareTo(CircleEvent foo) { return ((Double) this.xpos).compareTo((Double) foo.xpos); } } class Edge { public Point start, end; public boolean done; public Point siteA, siteB; public Edge(Point p, Point sitea, Point siteb) { start = p; end = new Point(0, 0); done = false; siteA = sitea; siteB = siteb; output.add(this); } public void finish(Point p) { if (done) { return; } end = p; done = true; } } class Arc { //parabolic arc is the set of points eqadistant from a focus point and the beach line public Point focus; //these object exsit in a linked list public Arc next, prev; // public CircleEvent event; // public Edge edge0, edge1; public Arc(Point p) { focus = p; next = null; prev = null; event = null; edge0 = null; edge1 = null; } } class CircleResultPack { public boolean valid; public Point center; public double rightmostX; } Point midpoint(Point a, Point b){ return new Point( (a.x+b.x)/2, (a.y+b.y)/2 ); } Point lineIntersect(Point A, Point B, Point C, Point D){ /* * if line segment AB intersects line segment CD, * return the point of intersection * else return null */ double ex = B.x - A.x; double ey = B.y - A.y; double fx = D.x - C.x; double fy = D.y - C.y; double h = ( (A.x-C.x) * (-ey) + (A.y-C.y) * ex) / (fx * (-ey) + fy * ex); if (0 <= h && h <= 1){ return new Point( C.x + h * fx, C.y + h * fy ); } else return null; } }
10) После запуска java-программы проверим наличие данных в таблице D_VORONOI_POLY с помощью sqldeveloper (рекомендую скачать его и использовать для работы со Spatial-объектами БД Oracle)

11) Дальше вы сами вправе решать, что делать с получившимися полигонами... склеить их, или использовать в своих эвристических алгоритмах...
Но следует помнить о ряде ограничений данного решения:
- Диаграмма строится по точкам внутри замкнутого полигона, если полигон содержит анклавы - ситуацию придется как-то обрабатывать;
- Вам желательно самим предусмотреть обработку точек-дубликатов (когда несколько РАЗНЫХ домов имеют одинаковые координаты);
- Если ограничивающий полигон не является выпуклым многоугольником, то возможны "некрасивые ситуации" (следует помнить, что сама диаграмма строится внутри MBR - "минимального охватывающего точки прямоугольник" - и уже затем от каждой ячейки Вороного "отрезаются кусочки" за границами охватывающего полигона).

На этом все, надеюсь кому-то это поможет!
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